Engaged Latina Leadership Activist Program

The Engaged Latina Leadership Activist (ELLA) program cultivates leadership potential and provides resources and opportunities that impact Latinas locally and state-wide. The program has been successfully administered for 16 years and has graduated over
280 Latina women.
Our 2025 ELLA Applications are now closed. Stay in touch and join our interest list!
What is ELLA?
The ELLA Program is a six-month leadership program created to help Latinas between the ages of 19-29 learn and gain entry-level leadership and civic engagement skills through a series of professional activities, resources and mentoring.

The ELLA Program requires deep dedication and calls for extensive collaboration, effective time-management, and creativity from participants. The program gives young Latina women opportunities to learn about themselves, their leadership capabilities, and establish a sisterhood through the opportunity to meet and collaborate with other Latinas who have similar interests and experiences.
The Latina Coalition of Silicon Valley is a 25 year organization that develops and strengthens the power of Latinas to advance our collective success through sisterhood, leadership, and civic engagement.
Developed in the spirit of collaboration between the County and the community in 1998, the Office of Women’s Policy is a leading voice in Silicon Valley on the needs of women and girls, serving as a catalyst for awareness and action on current and emerging issues that impact women's health, safety, and security. Through analysis, research and strategic collaboration, OWP works to ensure that programs and services, and also systems and policy support women’s leadership, full equality and advancement in the home, at work and in the community.
What you get as an ELLA:
As an ELLA, you will connect with other Latinas throughout the Bay Area who are interested in serving our communities, building relationships with one another, and creating change. Through this program, you will not only connect with like minded mujeres, but also have access to Latina professionals from all kinds of backgrounds. From STEM to Education, to the NonProfit Sector and Business…you will have the opportunity to connect through interactive workshops, one on one conversations, and mentorship with women who have been right where you are now. Our sisterhood extends beyond the program sessions, providing a supportive space for discussions on career planning, personal and professional goal setting, and navigating life transitions juntas.
Each ELLA team is paired with a mentor who has experience relevant to the subject matter of your community project. Our ELLA teams partner with local organizations to learn about how they are addressing social issues. Previous year’s ELLA teams have focused on addressing issues such as: the correlation between Housing Instability and Domestic Violence, the relationship between Mental Health and Immigration, and the Latina Wage Gap to name a few. ELLAs learn from the work happening on the ground now, and brainstorm how they can further the work, or create a community proposal working towards potential solutions. In past years this has looked like: drafting policy memos to Elected Officials to push for a specific Public Policy solution, developing workshop curriculum for local community organizers, and even starting a series of mini workshops for middle school girls to feel empowered to run for Student Body. This kind of hands-on experience of pairing community engagement, public policy and community action have been invaluable to previous ELLAs.
Becoming an ELLA is a unique opportunity to challenge not only your professional, but also your personal development. You will learn how to show up sincerely as yourself in professional spaces with confidence, knowing your background and your story have power. By connecting with your fellow ELLAs and learning from one another as well as our workshop presenters, mentors, Board and Committee members…you will learn not only more about yourself, but your communities too.

ELLA Orientation
3- Day ELLA Retreat
ELLA Session 1
ELLA Session 2
ELLA Session 3
ELLA Session 4
ELLA Session 5
ELLA Session 6
ELLA Session 7
ELLA Session 8
ELLA Graduation
Thursday, February 6 | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (Virtual)
Friday, February 21- Sunday, February 23 │(Cupertino, CA)
Saturday, March 15│9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (San Jose, CA)
Saturday, March 29│9:30 AM - 11:30 AM (Virtual)
Saturday, April 12│9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (San Jose, CA)
Saturday, April 26│9:30 AM - 11:30 AM (Virtual)
Tuesday, May 6 │HOPE's Latina Action Day (Sacramento, CA)
Saturday, May 24│9:30 AM - 11:30 AM (Virtual)
Saturday, June 7│9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (San Jose, CA)
Saturday, June 28│9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (San Jose, CA)
Saturday, July 19│9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (San Jose, CA)
ELLA Program Expectations
Attendance at ALL sessions indicated in this application. This program will be conducted on a hybrid basis where we will have both in person and virtual sessions, switching between both throughout the program. Please note most in person sessions will take place in our San Jose Office and virtual sessions will be conducted through Zoom. Please review the dates listed above and acknowledge the commitment you are making. Only if you are available to attend every session, continue with the application process. Given the nature of the program, we cannot make any exceptions.
Your health and safety are our top priority. As such, we will be taking high precautions during in-person meetings. For any in-person sessions, we will require every participant to follow safety guidelines. If participants feel sick, they will be excused from attending in-person sessions, provided they give notice and complete the alternate assignment in a timely manner (72 hours post session).
In addition to attending every session, you will also be required to meet with your assigned group on multiple occasions (dates are at the discretion of you and your group) throughout the six months, and more so toward the end of the program when working on the final community benefit project.
Throughout the program, you will be given individual homework assignments designed to foster your personal knowledge and growth. Additionally, as a group, your final community benefit project will include an advocacy component and a presentation related to your assigned topic which you will present at graduation.

ELLA Program Costs
All membership, deposit and participation fees are due Friday, January 31, 2025 prior to ELLA Orientation. Please note that financial hardship should not deter you from participating and there are other options to pay for the ELLA program:
We offer limited full and partial scholarships for this program for you to participate. Scholarships are awarded on a case by case scenario.
We accept company sponsorships to fund your participation. We encourage you to ask your employer and utilize that option if applicable.
Ask your employer if you have any professional development funds that you can use to fund your participation in the ELLA program.
We will work with your situation and can set up a payment plan if needed for you to participate in this program.
Please make sure to communicate with the appropriate individuals in advance if you plan to request scholarships, payment plans, sponsorships, or professional development funds, even if you're unsure about your participation or acceptance into the program. This will help ensure that you are prepared to meet the payment deadline.
Total Cost: $325
If you are accepted into the ELLA program, you will be responsible for a $275 participation fee. This program is for YOU, so consider this an investment in yourself. It is meant to further your own leadership skills, develop the best version of yourself and build a greater support network. You will be surrounded by empowering community leaders who will lift you up and inspire you to push your limits. You will be given the tools to gain more strength, more courage and more confidence to go out and inspire others.
$200 – Covers eight program sessions at $25 per session
$75 – Covers the three-day ELLA Retreat at $25 per day
$50 discounted LCSV one-year Hermanasmembership fee
As a member of LCSV you will have access to the LCSV network, opportunities to attend exclusive LCSV events and discounted rates when applicable.
If you are ready for the challenge and ready to take your professional development to the next level, we encourage you to apply and look forward to receiving your ELLA Program application.
¿Preguntas? Contact us!
Marinez A. Rosales,
Leadership Development Specialist

ELLA Testimonials
Our Past ELLA Cohorts
Juliana Goncalves Batista
Gabriela Chavez-Lopez
Mercedes De La Riva
Ramona Garcia
Isabella Imprenta
Cecilia Jimenez
Maritza Meraz
Laura Ochoa
Monserrat Orozco
Odisea Perez
Bianca Rivera
Maria Rocha
Mayra Salvador
Maria Valencia
Maria Angulo
Guadalupe Gonzalez
Erica Elizabeth Elias
Ana K. Rangel
Stephanie Bravo
Karla De La Torre
Jacqueline Escobar
Teresa Garate
Marisol Miranda
Angelica Montelongo
Estrellita Munoz
Luzelia Pando
Jeanette Ramos
Karla Reyes
Claudia Rico
Nalleli Sandoval
Georgina Belmonte
Vanessa Compean
Patricia Cortez
Jacqueline Duran
Christina Favela-Garcia
Karla Garcia
Paola Garcia
Clara Jimenez
Ariana Lopez
Hilda Morales
Diana Perez
Ariela Villalpando
Maria Valle
Vanessa Alejandre
Ariana Alejandre
Alyssa Aguilar
Andrea Aguilar
Linda Camayo
Elizabeth Limones Carrilo
Sandra Chavez
Claudia Maria Flores
Araceli Garza
Margarita Medina
Maricela Noguez
Andrea Chantal Rodriguez
Ana Romero
Yezel Rosales
Janet Ruiz
Monica Sandoval
Jazmin Segura
Thalia Zapata
Cynthia Martinez
Adriana Hernandez
Maribel Cortez
Maria Orozco
Maria Lopez
Gabriela Alvarado
Rebecca Gonzalez
Deniss Escorcia
Alheli Lamas
Ana Martinez
Delia Rebecca Najera Pando
Jazmine Velazquez
Lucia Magana
Yadira Quintero
Jessica Sauceda
Laura Hernandez
Luisa Fernandez
Steffany Castro
Daisy Fernandez
Sarah Gonzalez
Nova Rivera
Cristal Lopez
Nereyda Guzman
Cristina Garcia
Yvette De La Torre
Glady's Eng Compean
Nancy Gonzalez
Delma Hernandez Villasenor
Lidia Lopez
Ashley Ortiz
Stefanie Perez
Amanda Rojas
Laura I. Torres
Jocelyn Barragan
Naomi Villalpando
Cohort coming soon!
Dania De La Cruz
Laura Moya
Bianca Garcia
Ami Navarrete
Aurora Sanchez
Fabiola Fernandez
Lucina Rios Garcia
Ruby Chavez
Yara Hidalgo
Maryela Perez
Alejandra Reyes
Katiuska Pimentel Vargas
Yessenia Macias
Vanessa Teran
Rosaura Mendoza
Veronica Avendano
Joyce Martinez
Destiny Villa
Aurora Diaz
Melissa Renteria
Zulema Torres
Desirae Sanchez
Diana Morales
Lorena Gutierrez
Monica Sanchez
Valeria Rodriguez
Elizabeth Moya
Marlene Juarez
Fatima Esquival
Cinthia Zamora Arenas
Loraina Flores
Amada Montelongo
Monica Orozco
Sandy Vasquez
Stephanie Segovia
Elizabeth Vasquez
Estela Iozano
Jenny Ballesteros
Jocelyn De Anda
Laura Alvarez-Santos
Karina Soria Mendoza
Stephanie Soria Mendoza
Jennifer Villegas
Karina Lira
Dulce Zuno
Jessica Gonzalez
Ariadna Diaz
Abigail Palomares Guillen
Aitana Perez
Danielle Serrano
Joseline Gonzalez Soriano
Liz Lopez
Magdalena Lazaro
Marisol Jimenez Espinoza
Daisy Orellana
Sarahi Gonzalez
Gabriela Avella
Valeria Avila
Melissa Canela
Beatriz Cuevas
Andrea Garcia
Mia Hernandez
Patricia Leal-Gutierrez
Gladys Rosario
Guadalupe Rosas
Silvia Vazquez
Adeline Berrospe
Crystal Cárdena
Crystal Cisneros-Villa
Bella Escalante
Andrea Esparza
Linda Figueroa
Zainab Altai
Lindsey Aquino
Margarita Arroyo
Jazmin Barba Iniguez
Emily Bolanos
Carina Cazares
Cynthia Colmenares
Marisa Corriea-Hernandez
Aimee Echeverria
Sharon Godinez
Gabriella Hernandez
Jeniffer Hinojosa
Teresa Leyva
Kimberly Lopez
Ariadna Luna
Sintia Marquez Jimenez
Marissa Martinez
Rosaura Morones
Jazmin Ozuna Chavez
Angelica Pena
Brenda Vargas
Daniela Velazquez
Sara Watts
Doris Gisela Angulo Avellaneda
Xochilth Berenice Avalos
Marina Baltazar
Sonia Cardenas
Linda Cebrero
Bianca Cervantes
Jazmin Dominguez Ramirez
Ana Escalante Flores
Mariela Frias
Alejandra Garcia
Elisa Guizar
Brittany Hernandez
Xiadani Juarez Diaz
Lina Lakoczky-Torres
Daisy Lanuza
Mirella Maldonado
Karla Mondragon
Ciana Moreno
Teresa Perez
Liliam Perez Avila
Dennise Puente
Brianna Ricardez
Marinez Ruiz
Gabriella Sandoval
Christabel Soria Mendoza
Vivian Taina
Sheyla Tupua
Yazmin Vallejo-Gonzalez
Tatiana Villaseñor Carrillo
Alicia Soria
Anissa Silva
Bethany Najaro
Brisa Rojas Moreno
Brisdy Carillo Vega
Celia Moreno
Chelsea Zamora
Daniela Velasquez
Diana Contreras-Chavez
Eda Benites
Elizabeth Ruiz
Emily Martinez
Esmeralda Rios
Gabriela Arrioja
Isela Reyes
Iselda Diaz
Ivette Mondragon Huerta
Jacqueline Aguilar
Jennifer Castillo-Gonzalez
Kimberly Chavez
Melanie Mirelas
Michelle Alejandre
Nellie Dominguez
Paulina Manzano
Yosseline Martinez
View the Latina Action Day album
Abigail Avila
Amanda Torres
Andrea Guzman Aviles
Cassandra Magana
Donna Bustos
Elizabeth Marquez Bernardino
Emily Tenorio Molina
Irais Chirino Romo
Isabel Perez
Isabel Rangel Hernandez
Juliette Duran
Karely Ruvalcaba Enriquez
Karen Hernandez
Karina Morales
Leslie Karime Montano Ayon
Maribel Silva
Mayra Lopez
Melanie Mendoza
Mercedes Tamayo
Nicolette Paredes
Pamela Rivera Martinez
Samantha Tiscareno
Sierra Ceballos
Yessenia Morales Palacios
Yessica Ramirez