Latina Economic Advancement Program

LEAP was created to begin to address the disproportionate impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic had on Latinas. There are two components of the program (LEAP: Financial Literacy Seminars and LEAP: Workforce Development Seminars), both focusing on increasing economic stability and supporting Latinas as they navigate the evolving workplace. Keep scrolling to learn more about each component and be sure to attend our end of the program career fair; Futura Fest.
LEAP Components:
Component #1: LEAP Financial Literacy Seminars
Focus: Increasing economic stability
Component #2: LEAP Workforce Development Seminars
Focus: Supporting Latinas in the evolving workplace
LEAP participants can join both components of this free program. Please be sure to register for each component using the designated registration forms above.

Component #1
LEAP - Financial Literacy Seminars
In California, Latinas earned only 42 cents for every dollar earned by a White man in 2024 and more acutely in Silicon Valley, Latinas earned 33.6 cents for every dollar in comparison to their White male counterparts (HOPE ESLR, 2024). Compounding this inequity, COVID-19 and the resultant economic downturn impacted a much larger number of women, and particularly Latinas, who had to leave their jobs/careers due to the lack of home support for other household members (children and elders, e.g.). To fully address these economic justice issues, Latinas (who have systematically been excluded from conversations about personal finance) need financial literacy programs that use an intersectional approach as Latinas face economic disparities at the racial, ethnic, cultural, and gender levels.
The financial literacy seminars strive in building foundational financial literacy skills and in gaining a community of support to navigate what it means to build wealth as a Latina. This will be a 6 month economic advancement program, which includes five FREE workshops focused on various financial literacy topics and monthly community convenings to provide space for financial mindset work.
Financial Literacy Seminar Dates
Monday, December 9th│6:00 PM - 7:30 PM PST (Virtual): Financial Knowledge: Understanding Money and Personal Values
Monday, January 6th│6:00 PM - 7:30 PM PST (Virtual): Financial Core Assets: Maintaining and Balancing an intentional Budget
Monday, February 3rd│6:00 PM - 7:30 PM PST (Virtual): Investing & Optimizing Your Money: Learn How to Invest & Create Financial Freedom
Monday, March 3rd│6:00 PM - 7:30 PM PST (Virtual): Latinas Future and Goals: How to Begin Saving for Retirement Today
Monday, April 7th│6:00 PM - 7:30 PM PST (Virtual): Latinas Uplifting Themselves & Family
Monday, May 5th│6:00 PM - 7:30 PM PST (Virtual): Latinas Creating Generational Wealth

Component #2
LEAP - Workforce Development Seminars
Latinas are a fast-growing demographic. In 2020, the Latina population made up 9.4% of the U.S. population and was projected to grow by 25.8% which means Latinas are fundamental to the robust and thriving national economy. However, the pandemic disproportionately devastated Latinas in Silicon Valley. In California specifically, Latinas have been disproportionately affected by the economic downturn. According to Hispanas for Political Equality’s (HOPE) Economic Status of Latinas Report:
28.9% of Latinas lost their jobs through May 2020, compared to 9.4% for White women
One in three (36.3%) of undocumented Latinas in California lost their job as of September 2020
Latinas in our community play essential roles in our society but are not prioritized when it comes to resource allocation and empowerment. In response, LCSV believes in educating and mobilizing Latinas with relevant skills to successfully re-enter the workforce and become a driving force for the economy.
This component will include a series of FREE workshops to prepare Latinas with the skills to reenter the workforce and/or obtain higher paying jobs.
Workforce Development Seminar Dates
Wednesday, December 11th│6:00 PM - 7:30 PM PST (Virtual): Latinas Connect: Creating Community and Meaningful Relationships in the Workplace
Wednesday, January 8th│6:00 PM - 7:30 PM PST (Virtual): Intergenerational Values: Communication skills and Empowerment in the Workplace
Wednesday, February 5th│6:00 PM - 7:30 PM PST (Virtual): Leadership Growth: Continuing your Passions and Creating Careers with Intention
Wednesday, March 5th│6:00 PM - 7:30 PM PST (Virtual): Latinas with Next Steps and Dreams: Preparing a Career Plan and Resume to Represent You to the Fullest
Wednesday, April 9th│6:00 PM - 7:30 PM PST (Virtual): Latinas who Negotiate: Compensations Tips and Setting a Plan to Negotiate with Confidence
Wednesday, May 14th│6:00 PM - 7:30 PM PST (Virtual): Latinas Leveling Up: How to make the most out of Linkedin

Contact us!
Yesica Vera
Workforce & Economic Mobility Specialist