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LEAP- Wealth Management by Building, Protecting, and Bequeathing Your Wealth with Paola Ramos

Join LCSV for LEAP Financial Seminars 2024-2025, this year we will highlight series like Financial Planning Series in collaboration with speakers with coaching, mentoring, and financial experience. Our first financial planning series speaker is Paola Ramos, a certified Financial Planner and Coach. In this seminar you will learn about Latinas Creating Generational Wealth: A Comprehensive View of Wealth Management,Building, protecting, and bequeathing your wealth: an overview of comprehensive wealth management strategies from birth to death. Link to REGISTER TODAY

April 9

LEAP- Compensations Tips and Setting a Plan to Negotiate with Confidence with Jennifer Cortes

May 14

LEAP- How to make the most out of LinkedIn with Jennifer Cortes